16 Years
2008 - 2024
Dust, sweat & gears
Fuchs Elephant Charge 2017 - Luntente River

$111,138 was raised for 9 conservation organisations by 28 teams including $22,581 raised by Khal Amazi and $17,000 raised by Autoworld. The shortest net distance was -12.39km by The Carnivores.

10 teams completed the course with Mudhogs finishing in the shortest distance of 23.96km. The shortest possible straight line distance for completing the course was 17.40 km.

Country Choice Trophy
Shortest Net Distance
Sausage Tree Trophy
Highest Sponsorship Raised
Castle Fleming Trophy
Shortest Overall Distance
Mark Terken Trophy
Shortest Gauntlet Distance
Sanctuary Trophy
Shortest Distance on Tsetse Line 1
Khal Amazi Trophy
Shortest Distance on Tsetse Line 2
Silky Cup
Shortest Distance by a Ladies Team
Dean Cup
Shortest Distance by a Bike Team
Shortest Net Distance by a Bike Team

Shortest Distance by a New Entry
Rhino Charge Trophy
Spirit of the Charge

The Bushpigs - For their selfless conduct during and after the charge.

Properly Shafted Award

Khal Amazi - Properly half shafted

The $111,138 raised by the teams for the Fuchs Elephant Charge 2017 supports conservation in Zambia through grants to the following organisations and projects: