Autoworld to LHMP | 5th of 20 | 1.19km in 44 minutes |
Leg no: 1
1.35 times the leg distance of 880m at an average 1.6kmh over 44 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
Wildlife Petrol Heads
2nd Khal Amazi 1.08km 3rd Camel 1.10km 4th Mudhogs 1.18km 5th FQMO Roads Rubble 1.19km 6th Carnivores 1.23km |
LHMP to Omnia | 5th of 14 | 1.96km in 45 minutes |
Leg no: 2
1.19 times the leg distance of 1.65km at an average 2.6kmh over 45 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
Wildlife Petrol Heads
2nd Khal Amazi 1.80km 3rd Green Mambas 1.88km 4th Carnivores 1.95km 5th FQMO Roads Rubble 1.96km 6th Lobster Trap 2.10km |
Omnia to Afrityre - Tsetse Line | 2nd of 19 | 2.87km in 1 hour 8 minutes |
Leg no: 3
1.16 times the leg distance of 2.48km at an average 2.5kmh over 1 hour 8 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
Wildlife Petrol Heads
2nd FQMO Roads Rubble 2.87km 3rd Mudhogs 2.91km 4th Lady Hogs 2.99km 5th Carnivores 3.04km 6th Khal Amazi 3.04km |
Afrityre to NMC | 5th of 14 | 2.14km in 25 minutes |
Leg no: 4
1.22 times the leg distance of 1.75km at an average 5.1kmh over 25 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
Wildlife Petrol Heads
2nd Khal Amazi 1.92km 3rd Carnivores 2.09km 4th Dirty 1/2 Dozen 2.12km 5th FQMO Roads Rubble 2.14km 6th The Bombshells 2.22km |
NMC to Newgrowco - Gauntlet | 1st of 7 | 464m in 57 minutes |
Leg no: 5
1.30 times the leg distance of 356m at an average 0.5kmh over 57 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
FQMO Roads Rubble
2nd Khal Amazi 535m 3rd Just Beer 650m 4th Dirty 1/2 Dozen 652m 5th Hot Clutch 724m 6th Eco-Charcoal 792m |
Newgrowco to Kal Tire - Gauntlet | 10th of 20 | 166m in 7 minutes |
Leg no: 6
1.60 times the leg distance of 104m at an average 1.5kmh over 7 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
Wildlife Petrol Heads
2nd Khal Amazi 112m 3rd Camel 113m 4th Mudhogs 130m 5th The Bombshells 135m 6th GOGA 138m |
Kal Tire to Country Choice | 2nd of 6 | 2.29km in 34 minutes |
Leg no: 7
1.40 times the leg distance of 1.64km at an average 4.1kmh over 34 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
Khal Amazi
2nd FQMO Roads Rubble 2.29km 3rd Green Mambas 2.31km 4th Just Beer 2.40km 5th Eco-Charcoal 2.82km 6th Dirty 1/2 Dozen 2.87km |
Country Choice to Turaco - Tsetse Line | 10th of 20 | 2.71km in 1 hour 3 minutes |
Leg no: 8
1.34 times the leg distance of 2.03km at an average 2.6kmh over 1 hour 3 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
Wildlife Petrol Heads
2nd Camel 2.20km 3rd Green Mambas 2.30km 4th Diesel n Dust 2.33km 5th Khal Amazi 2.34km 6th Mudhogs 2.39km |
Turaco to LDC | 7th of 19 | 1.66km in 27 minutes |
Leg no: 9
1.25 times the leg distance of 1.33km at an average 3.6kmh over 27 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
2nd Wildlife Petrol Heads 1.58km 3rd Green Mambas 1.62km 4th Diesel n Dust 1.62km 5th Lady Hogs 1.64km 6th Eco-Charcoal 1.66km |
LDC to Autoworld | 3rd of 19 | 1.68km in 56 minutes |
Leg no: 10
1.17 times the leg distance of 1.44km at an average 1.8kmh over 56 minutes 100,000m minimum elevation 0m maximum elevation
Wildlife Petrol Heads
2nd Camel 1.65km 3rd FQMO Roads Rubble 1.68km 4th Eco-Charcoal 1.71km 5th Green Mambas 1.74km 6th Carnivores 1.85km |