Verino to Omnia | 4th of 5 | 5.62km in 4 hours 8 minutes |
Leg no: 1
1.60 times the leg distance of 3.51km at an average 1.4kmh over 4 hours 8 minutes 966m minimum elevation 1,075m maximum elevation
Khal Amazi
2nd Camel 4.97km 3rd Mudhogs 5.10km 4th Swamp Donkeys 5.62km 5th GOGA 7.05km |
Omnia to NMC - Tsetse Line | 13th of 20 | 4.14km in 1 hour 8 minutes |
Leg no: 2
1.72 times the leg distance of 2.41km at an average 3.6kmh over 1 hour 8 minutes 1,036m minimum elevation 1,099m maximum elevation
FQMO Roads Rubble
2nd Mudhogs 3.73km 3rd Dirty 1/2 Dozen 3.83km 4th Carnivores 3.84km 5th Daisy & the Duchesses 4.06km 6th Baby Elephants 4.07km |