Afgri to JCB | 2nd of 3 | 3.70km in 2 hours 43 minutes |
Leg no: 1
1.44 times the leg distance of 2.57km at an average 1.4kmh over 2 hours 43 minutes 810m minimum elevation 870m maximum elevation
2nd Bushtracks 3.70km 3rd Carnivores 4.23km |
JCB to Maxxis - Gauntlet | 10th of 15 | 123m in 60 minutes |
Leg no: 2
1.66 times the leg distance of 74m at an average 0.1kmh over 60 minutes 810m minimum elevation 812m maximum elevation
2nd Wacky Racers 86m 3rd New Kasama Five Oh 91m 4th Sausage Tree 95m 5th Almost There 99m 6th Greenbelt 104m |
Maxxis to Royal Air - Gauntlet | 1st of 3 | 562m in 29 minutes |
Leg no: 3
2.04 times the leg distance of 276m at an average 1.2kmh over 29 minutes 808m minimum elevation 822m maximum elevation
2nd Camel 684m 3rd Carnivores 778m |
Royal Air to NWK | 9th of 16 | 2.75km in 1 hour 30 minutes |
Leg no: 4
1.34 times the leg distance of 2.05km at an average 1.8kmh over 1 hour 30 minutes 815m minimum elevation 1,008m maximum elevation
Khal Amazi
2nd Sausage Tree 2.35km 3rd Chipolopolo 2.36km 4th Camel 2.36km 5th Autoworld 2.37km 6th Mudhogs 2.49km |
NWK to AON - Tsetse Line | 11th of 15 | 2.85km in 33 minutes |
Leg no: 5
1.33 times the leg distance of 2.14km at an average 5.1kmh over 33 minutes 921m minimum elevation 1,006m maximum elevation
Khal Amazi
2nd Chipolopolo 2.35km 3rd Mudhogs 2.35km 4th Sausage Tree 2.37km 5th Autoworld 2.39km 6th Camel 2.42km |
AON to Kanyemba | 17th of 17 | 6.17km in 34 minutes |
Leg no: 6
5.20 times the leg distance of 1.19km at an average 11.0kmh over 34 minutes 834m minimum elevation 971m maximum elevation
2nd Sausage Tree 1.32km 3rd Autoworld 1.33km 4th Camel 1.36km 5th Almost There 1.38km 6th Wacky Racers 1.40km |
Kanyemba to South City | 12th of 15 | 3.34km in 14 minutes |
Leg no: 7
1.94 times the leg distance of 1.72km at an average 14.1kmh over 14 minutes 834m minimum elevation 943m maximum elevation
Khal Amazi
2nd Camel 2.21km 3rd Autoworld 2.28km 4th Chipolopolo 2.34km 5th Wacky Racers 2.42km 6th Green Mambas 2.44km |
South City to NMC | 8th of 9 | 4.97km in 25 minutes |
Leg no: 8
2.31 times the leg distance of 2.15km at an average 12.0kmh over 25 minutes 822m minimum elevation 887m maximum elevation
Khal Amazi
2nd Carnivores 3.55km 3rd Autoworld 3.71km 4th Swamp Donkeys 3.76km 5th Wacky Racers 3.83km 6th Sausage Tree 4.39km |
NMC to Omnia | 6th of 13 | 4.29km in 21 minutes |
Leg no: 9
1.73 times the leg distance of 2.48km at an average 12.2kmh over 21 minutes 853m minimum elevation 906m maximum elevation
2nd Autoworld 3.21km 3rd Mudhogs 3.64km 4th Almost There 3.77km 5th Sausage Tree 3.82km 6th Bushtracks 4.29km |